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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

CFAT Practice Test Questions with Answers in PROBLEM SOLVING - ps017

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1. Roofing cost in British Columbia is from $3 to $6 per square foot on average using  asphalt shingles. A condo in Esquimalt with a roof area of 144 ft x 72 ft is planning to replace their roof using asphalt shingles through a contractor that charges $4.5 per square foot for labor and materials. How much is the condo's roof replacement cost?

a. $45,665

b. $45,656

c. $46,566

d. $46,656 --- answer


cost per square foot

= $4.5 /sq ft

roof area 

= 144 ft x 72 ft

= 10,368 sq ft

Roofing cost

= cost per square foot multiplied by roof area

= 4.5 x 10,368 

= $46,656

2. The gross roof replacement cost of a Victoria condo is $60,500. If the GST tax rate is 5% and the condo building has 18 units, how much is the cost to be  paid by each unit?

a. $3,259

b. $3,529  --- answer

c. $4,529

d. $5,592


Gross roofing cost

= $60,500

Total roofing cost 

= Gross roofing cost + GST

= 60,500 

+ 5% (60,500) 

= 60,500 + 3,025

= $63,525


= 63,525/18

= $3,529


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Sunday, July 23, 2023

CFAT Practice Test Questions with Answers in PROBLEM SOLVING - ps016

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FREE CFAT Practice Test (Canadian Forces Aptitude Test):


1. What numbers are missing in the sequence below?

47,  53,  59,  61,  ___, 71,  73,  79,  83,  ___

a. 63 and 87

b. 67 and 87

c. 67 and 89  --- Ans

d. 65 and 89


The sequence above are Prime Numbers. 

Prime numbers have exactly two factors, namely 1 and the number itself. 

Prime numbers are  divisible only by 1 and the number itself.

2. What number is missing in the sequence below?

1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, ___

a. 600

b. 720  --- Answer 

c. 702

d. 840


The numbers above are factorial sequence. 

0! = 1

1! = 1 

2! = 2*1 = 2

3! = 3*2*1 = 6 

4! = 4*3*2*1 = 24 

5! = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120

6! = 6*5*4*3*2*1 

    = 720


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Friday, July 14, 2023

CFAT Practice Test Questions with Answers in PROBLEM SOLVING - ps015

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FREE CFAT Practice Test (Canadian Forces Aptitude Test):


1. A Nova Scotia farmer harvested pears and apples in the same cart. The total of fruits in the cart is 1100. If 55% of the fruits are apples and 2/5 of the pears are commercial rejects, how much of the pears are commercial grade (not rejects)?

a. 297  --- answer 

b. 279

c. 198

d. 495


total fruits = 1100

apples = 55%


solve for the number of pears

= 1100 * (100-55)%

= 1100 * 45%

= 1100 * 0.45

= 495 pears

pear rejects

= 495 *  2/5

= 198 

commercial grade 

= 495 - 198

= 297

2. What is the number missing in the sequence?

13 21 34 55 ___ 144 

a. 87

b. 78

c. 98

d. 89  --- answer 


The sequence above is part of the Fibonacci sequence. 

The next number, x is obtained by adding the two previous numbers 

13 + 21 = 34 

34 + 55 = 89 

55 + 89 = 144 

x = 34 + 55 

x = 89


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Friday, July 7, 2023

CFAT Practice Test Questions with Answers in PROBLEM SOLVING - ps014

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FREE CFAT Practice Test (Canadian Forces Aptitude Test):



1. The width of a  one-car garage in a residential housing unit in CFB Cold Lake is half of its depth. If the perimeter of the garage is 72 ft, find the width and depth in ft.

a. 13 x 26

b. 14 x 28

c. 12 x 24  --- answer

d. 15 x 30



w = width of garage 

d = depth of garage 

p = perimeter 


w = (1/2) * d

w = 0.5d


perimeter, p = 72 ft

p = 2w + 2d

72 = 2w + 2d 

substituting the value of w in equation1 into equation2, 

w = 0.5d

72 = 2w + 2d 

72 = 2 * 0.5d + 2d

72 = 1d + 2d

72 = 3d

d = 72/3

d = 24 ft

solving now for w

w = 0.5d

w = 0.5 * 24

w = 12 ft


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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

CFAT Practice Test Questions with Answers in PROBLEM SOLVING - ps013

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FREE CFAT Practice Test (Canadian Forces Aptitude Test):



1. A motorcycle parts store in Quebec has a monthly raffle to boost their sales. Every $100 purchased is worth one ticket. In a certain month, 

Gatineau customers have 250 tickets, 

Sherbrooke has 170, 

Tadoussac has 180, 

Rimouski has 160, and 

Laval has 190 tickets. 

What is the probability that a winner from Laval will win the monthly raffle?

a. 19/100

b. 3/14

c. 1/6

d. 1/5  --- answer 



solve for the total number of tickets 

Gatineau = 250 

Sherbrooke = 170

Tadoussac = 180  Rimouski = 160 

Laval = 190

Total tickets 

= 250 + 170 + 180 + 160 + 190 

= 950 tickets 


solve for Laval winner probability 

Laval probability 

= 190/950

= 19 x 10 / 19 x 50

= 10/50 

= 1/5

2. Maria paid $15.98  for  16 bananas and  8 avocados at Thrifty Foods store. Peter paid $6 for 5 avocados in the same store. How much did Maria pay for  bananas  and what is the cost of banana per piece?

A. $4.80, $0.3

B. $8.36, $0.5

C. $6.38, $0.4  -- answer 

D. $9.38, $0.6

Answer:  C



a = avocado cost paid by Maria 

b = banana cost paid by Maria 

step1: equation 1

formulate equation 1

using Maria's purchase 

15.98 = a + b


solve avocado cost using Peter's purchase

Peter paid $6 for 5 avocados 

Avocado cost 

= $6/5 pieces

= $1.20 per piece


solve for  avocado  cost paid by Maria 

Maria bought 

8 avocados

a = 8 x $1.20/piece

a = $9.60


substitute the value of  a  in  step3   into   

equation 1

15.98 = a + b 

15.98 = 9.60 + b

b = 15.98 - 9.60

b = $6.38


solve for  the cost of banana per piece

Maria bought 16 bananas

cost of banana per piece

= $6.38/16

= $0.40 per piece 


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FREE CFAT Practice Test (Canadian Forces Aptitude Test):


Saturday, July 1, 2023

CFAT Practice Test Questions with Answers in PROBLEM SOLVING - ps012

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FREE CFAT Practice Test (Canadian Forces Aptitude Test):



1. Andrew lives in Ontario and earned a gross income of $64,000 in 2022. According to his income bracket, his federal tax rate in Canada is 20.5%. If his provincial tax rate is 9.15%, what is his income after taxes?

a. $45,024 -- answer

b. $42,045

c. $45,420

d. $42,540


step1: solve federal tax

Canada federal tax

= $64,000 x 20.5%

= $64,000 x 0.205

= $13,120

step2: solve provincial tax

Ontario provincial tax

= $64,000 x 9.15%

= $64,000 x 0.0915

= $5,856

step3: income after taxes

Income after taxes

= gross income

- federal tax

- provicial tax

Income after taxes

= $64,000

- $13,120

- $ 5,856



2. Michael's average grade for Chemistry, Math, and English is 85. If his grade in Chemistry is 90 and Math is 87, what is his grade in English?

a. 79

b. 78 --- answer

c. 77

d. 76


Let x

= Michael's grade in English

Average grade = 85

Chemistry = 90

Math = 87

Average grade

= (Chemistry + Math

+ English)/3

85 = (90 + 87 + x)/3

cross multiply

90 + 87 + x = 85 * 3

177 + x = 255

x = 255 - 177

x = 78



= (90 + 87 + 78)/3

= 85


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